After I got Rhett from school, I pulled the dessert for the Trunk-or-Treat out of the oven, and it had begun. Getting everyone ready for Halloween. I started out with Breyonna. She was the easiest- just some tights and a leotard. Then I ironed Kaylee's dress-Uncle James had brought it to her from Japan where he served his mission-and set it aside. Then I got Rhett dressed, and he complained until we got to the church that his pants were itchy and he didn't like his hair or his costume for that matter! Then I got my makeup on and turned to do Ethen. I colored his nose brown. That took about five minutes, because he did not like it one bit. Especially when I finally held him down to do it! I put a little bit of makeup on the kids, got Kaylee and Ethen dressed then loaded them into the car.
Just after the Trunk-or-Treat began Justin showed up surprising us all! So we ate dinner, the kids walked in the costume parade and we went trunk-or-treating. When we got home, I took the kids down a few more streets while Justin and Ethen stayed back with our neighbor handing out candy. Ethen passed out on Justin, so he laid him down on the drive way and they took "caution" tape and made a square around him so that the kids wouldn't accidentally step on him. All of the kids thought he was fake! They told all of the kids he was in a candy coma. When we got back to the house we went inside, ate a few pieces of candy and went to bed. It was a tiring, yet exciting night for all of us. The best Halloween ever.
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